Tag Archives: Howie

Florence Carmela Is in the Spotlight with Entertainer Howie Mandel!


Okay all you FANdels this was a loooooong time coming (at the moment I’m trying to do my best “Bobby’s voice” a true fan knows who that is 🙂

Well, he’s one of my all time favorite Entertainers with an impressive resume that spans over 40 years…St. Elsewhere…Deal or No Deal…Bobby’s World and my all time favorite…America’s Got Talent just to name a few!! He is also hands down the hardest working man in Show Business and an extreeeemely funny man, Comedian Howie Mandel!

I don’t think there is anything this Canadian born Entertainer has done that I haven’t been a major fan of. He’s an incredible Stand-up Comic and has sold out major arenas all over the world! 

He is currently holding the title for having the longest tenure as a judge on Americas Got Talent, replacing The Knight Rider David Hasselhoff. He has been a judge now for ten consecutive seasons, in which he has made mention of that major milestone on social media. When asked why NBC keeps him on the hit TV Show his answer is simple “I’m affordable!” In my humble opinion, i feel the popular Comedian is asked back year after year for one simple reason…he makes the show!! I honestly can’t imagine America’s Got Talent without Howie Mandel.

The thing I love most about Howie Mandel is that he is hands down the most down to earth Entertainer in Show Business. Along with his amazing talent and work ethic he is a wonderful family man and philanthropist.


Check out Howie on America’s Got Talent Tuesday Nights on NBC!

If you would like to connect with Howie Mandel on Twitter please follow him at @howiemandel or you can follow him on Facebook..you wont be disappointed